We made it through another fantastic trip down to our favorite home away from home! We had a blast with the Benjamin's, we hope to be able to travel south again real soon. We may need to wait until Khloe is born. Can you believe it, I am a little over 26 weeks now!?! I am being kept busy with Mylee's appointments and getting ready for our new addition to the family.

Mylee always has fun watching the Colts game with her daddy...we are trying to capture every happy moment with our warrior princess... she makes us laugh, cry, and smile it seems all at once! Mostly laugh and smile though.... She sure is a trooper... She underwent another sleep study last week and we are still trying to scrub the tape off of her head and neck from the EEG wires. Oh well, par for the course I guess! We also have another MRI scheduled this coming Wednesday at Children's Hospital. Our appointment with Mylee's neurosurgeon wasn't what we had hoped for. But then again, I am not sure exactly what we were hoping for! He is concerned that she has diminished muscle reflexes (lower extremeties) and that she seems to have gotten worse with her swallowing abilities. We have been referred to a new neurologist with hopes that this doctor can help Mylee. We will hopefully see him along with her current neurologist in December. I am hoping that the MRI will show that she has compressed again at her cerebellum and a surgery is all that is needed to fix my baby girl! We will for sure keep everyone posted on her status..... now back to the fun stuff!

Mexico was a blast! We spent a long 4 day weekend with our kids and dogs. The dogs had a blast running up and down the beach chasing the seagulls! And the water is still amazing, even for November! The kids had so much fun playing in the sand, looking for sea shells and of course pretending they were dogs too!
Hoping for a positive post after we get the results back from Mylee's MRI.... please keep that HOPE alive for us.... continue the prayers - Mylee needs them!
Here are some pictures from the beach, we hope you enjoy them as much as we have! More importantly, we hope that we are able to share these same moments with us in the near future!